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Pickled eggs

Pickled Eggs

With spring well underway, at this time of year the geese, chickens and ducks are in full lay so we have quite a few eggs.

This year we have decided to turn our surplus into pickled eggs. Really easy to make, here is our recipe & method:

  1. Hard boil a dozen eggs;
  2. In a pan, add 1 litre of water and 150ml of vinegar (we use spirt vinegar);
  3. Add 80 grams of sugar, 50 grams of salt, two bay leaves, a tablespoon of mustard seeds and 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds;
  4. Bring to the boil and add two sliced onions and allow to return to the boil;
  5. Layer the eggs in a sterilised screw top/ Kilner jar (fill the jar with boiling water to sterilise), covering each layer with the boiling liquor;
  6. Seal the jar and allow to cool.
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Samples of Spring Honey (2020) ready to be sent to the National Honey Monitoring Scheme

National Honey Monitoring Scheme (NHMS)

I have needed to send this off for a while. The honey I took from the hives back in July ( the spring honey) is going to be sent off to have a DNA analysis undertaken.

The objective of the analysis is too assess long term impacts on UK floral resources in the changing environment.

I am hoping that we not only help with this national scheme, understand where our bees have been and what they have been foraging in the spring.

Anyone interested and want to know more, check out,

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Bees cleaning honey from the boot of a car

What do you do if you spill honey in your car?

Hmmmmmm slight problem. 5Kg of honey spilled in the boot of the car. Problem ….. how do you clean up the sticky mess?

A frightful mess, and a real waste of this precious harvest. This honey was destined to be fermented and become mead. However during transportation, the bucket turned over and ended up all over the boot of the car and a load of honey jars.

PANIC! How do you clear up this sticky mess. Instinct was to get the carpets out the car and hose them down. Worried about how the carpets would cope with water, as much of the honey as possible was scarped up and scooped into a bucket.

After this, we put the bees to work! (Strictly, as a beekeeper this is not good practice! It can spread disease between hives…. but needs must) The boot of the car was left open, and whatever could be removed, from the car was left sheltered in the garage.

Within minutes, the bees from the hives were coming to recover the honey. Pools of honey had been cleared within an hour. 24 hours later, the interior of the car had virtually been cleared. None of the sticky residue was left. Quite amazing.

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Honey Bee Working Hawthorn Flowers

Another May new buds and flowers shall bring

“Another May new buds and flowers shall bring: Ah! why has happiness no second Spring?” – Charlotte Turner Smith

This spring certainly keeps bringing. The weather continues to be fantastic for the bees. The recent rain has been welcome. This enables the plants to draw up water and increase the nectar flow in the flowers.

In turn this ensures the bees supply continues to come.

The hives are still doing well, and the bees continue to build up their honey stores. Hopefully at the end of May, I’ll be able to harvest the first honey crop of 2020

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Honey Bee Flying Toward Apple Blossom

The Best April Ever for Bees?

I’ve been keeping bees for 10 years, and I don’t remember an April like it.

The warm dry weather here in Devon, has definitely benefited the bees. They have been out and about every day. The blossom is flourishing and producing the good stuff …. nectar and pollen.

In the garden, the old apple trees, are buzzing. The buzz from the trees provides a background hum to the whole garden. It literally sounds like a swarm of bees is somewhere settling.

The hives are bursting. The workforce has been busy taking advantage of nature’s bounty.

The bees have been so productive that the hives are filled with honey and I have had to make more room for them to store their harvest.

All I need to do now is manage them from swarming and taking their produce away!

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Wild brood comb in a bee hive

Wild comb

Last year I housed a honey bee swarm I collected from the local area. On returning, I put the swarm into a new hive with about half the intended frames I had to hand. I needed to assemble more and intended to put the remaining frames in the following day.

However, I didn’t get the chance to return to the hive for a couple of days. At this point the colony had drawn wild comb which was hanging from the crown board (the lid on the top of the hive).

In a dilemma, I decided to leave the hive until the following season and sort it out then.

Yesterday, was the day. In the main picture you can see 5 pieces of wild comb. Each of these were packed with brood (growing baby bees).

I took three pieces of the wild comb and attached each piece into a frame using elastic bands (not sure how this will work). I then transferred these to a new hive with new frames. The new hive was put back in the same place as the original hive.

I couldn’t find the queen, but hopefully she was somewhere amongst the existing frames or was brushed off into the new hive as I removed each piece of wild comb.

Now all tidy and manageable, the hive can be easily inspected. Next week, I will go in and see if I can find the queen or evidence that she is still laying.

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Lauder & Smith brick circa 1876

Barnstaple History

We have done a lot of work to the house and the out buildings. Moving a lot of stone, roof tiles and bricks we have discovered all sorts of things, including little pockets of history.

Most of the bricks and roof tiles which were stacked up appeared to have been from outbuildings that had fallen into ruin. Most of the bricks and tiles were unmarked or branded. Interestingly we have found a batch of roof tiles & the odd brick stamped with Lauder & Smith Brick & Tile Works, Barnstaple.

Lauder & Smith Roof Tile circa 1876
Lauder & Smith Roof Tile circa 1876

It turns out this tile works was about 3 miles away from Chilcotts Farm in an area of Barnstaple called Pottington. The pottery was in business for 38 years from 1876 to 1914.

I am guessing the start of the First World War in 1914, was the reason for the demise of the company.

We haven’t researched the age of the property, but we thought it was mid 1800s. The farm house, isn’t built of bricks, but rather a rubble construction with render. I am guessing the Lauder & Smith bricks and tiles were brought in at a later date and used for an outbuilding.

Lauder & Smith brick circa 1876
Lauder & Smith brick circa 1876
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Breakfast - Good Friday - homemade jam

Good Friday Breakfast

Even though we are in lockdown, it could be worse! The weather is fantastic! The sun and warmth maybe shining in through the windows, or you have the opportunity to sit outside ….. it could be worse ….. it could be raining!

This morning we sat outside and had a lovely breakfast with homemade jam made with homegrown fruit!

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