Emu hatching in an incubator

Emu Friends

Our first little emu hatched at 50 days incubation. This little one hatched on day 55.

Hatched emu in incubator. Hanging around as the incubator acts as a brooder.
Hatched emu in incubator. Hanging around as the incubator acts as a brooder.

So its name? The first was Ozzy, this is Izzy.

Normally to sex the little chicks you send off for DNA testing. This often involves using the membrane in the shell. However, the company I was going to use currently will only take blood or feather samples. I don’t feel it is humane to inflict either on the defensive little chicks.

As long as they have company that is what I feel is important.

Two emu chicks a couple of days old.
Two emu chicks a couple of days old.
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