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Swallow arrived 15th April to North Devon Barnstaple 2022

Return of the Swallow – Like clockwork

14th/15th April each year we see our first swallow. This morning I woke up and said “Today the swallows will return”. This afternoon we heard it’s twit twit twitting sitting on the phone line (sorry photo is not that good).

I am no oracle, looking into the future. Its absolutely amazing how they turn up on the same day each year. (Give or take a day either side) incredible!

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Soft Boiled Goose Egg and asparagus

Goose Eggs For Sale (Season 2022)

We have this seasons goose eggs for sale.  About 3 times the size of chickens eggs, they are a meal in themselves.

You can buy online click and collect, or from the door. Unfortunately, we do not ship.

To find out more and check availability see our website :

Thank you for following!

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Goose Egg, North Devon 2022

First Goose Egg of the Season 2022

Here we are early March, a bit later than normal for the first goose egg of the year. However, for us, this is a GREAT egg. Our little goose who laid this was attacked by a fox a month ago. This perfectly formed egg is the start of the goose laying season for us and the start of Spring! Who knows, this year, apart from hatching out emu eggs …… we may hatch a few geese too. Watch this space. In a couple of weeks, we should have goose eggs for sale. Check out our website for availability:

Thanks for following!

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Emu egg

Emu Egg Anyone?

Ooooh this is eggciting. We are going to hatch out a couple of Emu Eggs.

The colour is quite amazing, and the size incredible. Both looking like huge emeralds. Weighing around 700 grams each, I should imagine quite a meal.

They are now in the incubator, and will be manually turned 3 times a day.

Watch this space. Hopefully this summer we could have emus roaming the field with our geese.

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Goose after fox attack

Lucky Escape for Lucy Goosey

In the kitchen and just considering going out to put the animals to bed, when there is a commotion in the goose field, the Geese flapping and honking at full volume.

Peering out, I could see a fox with its’ jaw tightly clamped around the rear end of our small Chinese goose.

The dog and I rushed out. We disturbed the fox which was rapidly pursued by our dog. However, the fox had a head start and this time managed to escape.

Poor Lucy Goosey, was lying low in the grass and bleeding quite badly. Fortunately, on inspection she had two puncture marks either side of her rump. She seemed quite calm (probably in shock), so we took her inside, cleaned the wounds and sprayed the wounds with disinfectant. This has a violet colouring to hide the colour of blood, birds have a response to peck at red, which we don’t want to happen!

After the attack and treatment, Lucy Goosey seemed OK, so we decided to put her away with the rest for the night. She waddled in to join the others.

Next day I let the animals out as normal, and Lucy Goosey came waddling out as if her ordeal had never happened!

I like a happy ending!

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Honey on the comb

Local Devon Honey For Sale

We have jarred up this year’s batch of Summer 2021 honey. Buy from our website for click and collect or buy from the door. Produced by our bees in Bickington. Harvested using craft skills and traditional methods. Our Honey is unadulterated, filtered and not heat treated. Therefore, retains all its natural properties!

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Chilcotts Brewhouse Court Yard

Taking Last Summer Orders

The weather is looking fantastic this weekend. Max will again be serving his small batch craft beers at Chilcotts Brewhouse! Why not pop down and enjoy a craft beer, Max’s Limoncello, G&T or a glass of wine.

The pop up tap room and brewery will temporarily close its doors on Sunday 5th September at 3:30pm to allow Max to return to university. Any remaining stock will be available from https://Unplugged.Beer for local collection, local delivery or shipping.

Currently planning to open again at Christmas with some seasonal beers. Sign-up to his email newsletter and follow on social media.

To find out more, a list of beers, opening times and how to find the tap room, visit https://Unplugged.Beer or check social media @unpluggedbeer.

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