How’s this for a replica of Chilcotts Farm? Made by my gorgeous daughter. Happy Christmas everyone and a Happy New Year from us all!
Category: Chilcotts Farm
Latest on what’s been happening on our smallholding at Chilcotts Farm.
Pumpkins Sold Out
Sorry all this year’s Pumpkins have now sold out! Thank you to everyone who bought some. Have a spooky 2020 Halloween, and hopefully see you next year!
Pumpkins for Sale!
We have now sold out of Pumpkins for 2020
Moving toward Halloween, we have started selling our own grown Halloween pumpkins. These have been picked and are £1 each.
Buy from the honesty stall. Find us at Chilcotts Farm in Bickington, Barnstaple.
Sorry, we do not offer pumpkin picking or pick your own.
Barnstaple History
We have done a lot of work to the house and the out buildings. Moving a lot of stone, roof tiles and bricks we have discovered all sorts of things, including little pockets of history.
Most of the bricks and roof tiles which were stacked up appeared to have been from outbuildings that had fallen into ruin. Most of the bricks and tiles were unmarked or branded. Interestingly we have found a batch of roof tiles & the odd brick stamped with Lauder & Smith Brick & Tile Works, Barnstaple.

It turns out this tile works was about 3 miles away from Chilcotts Farm in an area of Barnstaple called Pottington. The pottery was in business for 38 years from 1876 to 1914.
I am guessing the start of the First World War in 1914, was the reason for the demise of the company.
We haven’t researched the age of the property, but we thought it was mid 1800s. The farm house, isn’t built of bricks, but rather a rubble construction with render. I am guessing the Lauder & Smith bricks and tiles were brought in at a later date and used for an outbuilding.

Good Friday Breakfast
Even though we are in lockdown, it could be worse! The weather is fantastic! The sun and warmth maybe shining in through the windows, or you have the opportunity to sit outside ….. it could be worse ….. it could be raining!
This morning we sat outside and had a lovely breakfast with homemade jam made with homegrown fruit!
Beautiful Mornings!
The mornings over the past few days have been crisp, bright and warm!
Letting the animals out is even more of a joy when the weather is so gorgeous. You forget what is going on in the world.
After all, they don’t have a clue and every new day is another adventure.

First Goose Egg of 2020
Last year (2019) we had our first goose egg of the season on 25th February 2019, this year it was today, 26th February!
It’s amazing how nature’s clock is so accurate. It won’t be long before we have a goose eggs for sale (sorry, still local collection only).
I know what I am having for breakfast this weekend! Goose egg and soldiers….. delicious.

Frosty Morning
Quite beautiful this morning. Everything covered in frost glinting in the early morning sunlight. This Witch Hazel looked like a little glimmering jewel.
Buried Treasure
While landscaping our gardens we have dug up many things including old tools, farm implements, water pumps, tyres, bones and scrap metal.
However, one of the most delicate and lovely things we have found are antique bottles.
Varied and obviously old, quite often the writing on them tells a story.
One bottle reads:
Another reads:
My favourite is:
First New Moon of 2020
Described as a Wolf Moon, the moon certainly had a presence this evening! I don’t think the picture does it justice.