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Emu eating grapes

A Grape Snack for an Emu

The Emus are loving grapes! Every afternoon I pop out and give them a little snack of freshly picked grapes. Fortunately, during September and October we have more grapes than we can eat, make wine or brandy from, Our excess would regularly go to the chickens, but now the emus too.

Emu snacking on grapes

My only concern is what their little treat is going to be come the end of October, perhaps diced apple?

Open post
Jarring up natural local honey

Sticky Morning

This morning has been spent jarring up some of this year’s spring honey. The hives have done really well, building up the colony, but also out and about collecting and abundance of nectar.

Now onto labelling and getting out for sale.

Roll on the summer honey flow!

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